Confessions of a burned out SLP

You are in the right place if you…
- Want your time and energy back
- Find yourself treading water to make it through to the next day off
- Fantasize about quitting or retiring-but can’t
- Ride on a roller coaster of overwhelm and exhaustion (sounds fun!)
- Are confused and afraid of what you should do
I help Speech Language Pathologists STOP dreading Mondays and reclaim their energy, resources and time.
On Sunday nights, I had a knot in my stomach
All I wanted to do was quit, but I couldn’t. Those dang responsibilities… food, shelter, health insurance for my family… you get it, nuff said. I wanted out. I wanted to change careers. OMG, Super uncomfortable, feeling like I didn’t know what I was doing, working late and dragging my butt back to work the next day. “Am I even making a difference with my students?”
I struggled with feeling run down, discouraged, disillusioned, stuck and burned out. Embarrassed and ashamed to even admit that I didn’t like my job, I wanted to hide. I was starting the feel the impact emotionally and physically.
NOOOOOO, I can’t make it through another week
When is my next day off?
I had an amazing idea.
It would magically solve all of my problems, take all of this fear, doubt and overwhelm away.
Change careers.
I became a certified life coach. Being a life coach would give me so much more freedom (I thought). I began systematically investing in my emotional health and learned tons of tools to manage my mind and FEEL BETTER.
As a life coach, I studied, I did the work, I practiced, I coached other people…
Do you know what happened?
Not because I quit my career or changed jobs- I didn’t.
I FELT BETTER because in the process of becoming a life coach I literally learned and applied skills of burnout recovery.
I did the work. I. FELT. BETTER. Isn’t that the whole point?
AND (here’s the fun part)
I didn’t have the urgent need to quit anymore. I stopped spending time sadly fantasizing about not going to work.
At the same time, I knew I could quit If I wanted to.
Although I still catch myself letting “overwhelm” suck me in, I know how to manage it and I love being an SLP and life coach.
I learned how to be in this career without sacrificing myself.
I have an extreme passion for helping SLP’s rescue themselves from burnout.
- Be Supported; Sort out problems. Get clarity on what they truly want to create in their career and life. Should you quit? or not?
- I have a fast and simple way of helping professionals gain awareness of what is not working.
- Relieve Suffering; Stop dreading Monday mornings. Stop ‘getting through’ until the next break.
- I can teach you an easy method to help you feel better in the moment. It will make a significant impact on your day to day; foster a huge, cumulative, positive momentum, long term.
- Create on Purpose; Stop working by default, merely wishing for something different. Just keeping your head above water.
- I can show you how to generate more time, resources and precious energy AND put that energy into what really matters to you.
- Connect with You; Stop being a slave to “busy.” Stop getting by at the expense of yourself.
- I can show you how to create space to connect with yourself. Make ALL areas of your life run smoother and…did I mention… feel better?
Some fun facts about me

I have been an SLP for 19 years. I started my career working with preschool-aged children and have been working in a school system at various levels for 13 years. The last few years I’ve worked with 3-5 graders and I love them. I’ve been a life coach for 9 years working with hundreds of people to improve their mental and physical health. I’ve been married for 8 years to my husband. We have the sweetest little girls. Being a Momma and wife are my top priorities…Family. I love to geek out reading self help books. I’m into healthy eating and fitness now too. I love to garden.
The reason I am creating this blog: I think SLP’s are totally super, whip-smart people who deserve to love the work they do AND have the life they truly want. There are ah-mazing speechie blogs with great therapy ideas and tips for SLP’s. This is NOT that blog.
My focus is on you- feeling better- period!

What’s next?
You may be feeling stuck. You may think that how you are feeling is out of your hands. I love chatting with SLP’s and helping them get results! Gain insight and map out your intentions.
Schedule a Free 60-minute Consultation with me.
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- Answer a couple questions
- I will respond and we will meet on the phone