Can we get a little respect around here?
Here’s the foundation.
Gaining respect from others = building your own self-respect. If you don’t believe in yourself, there’s no chance others will. I see this as a huge need within our field.
Let’s OWN our worth and claim it.
Okay that’s nice and all, but let’s make this workable. Pick 1 or 2 of these and do them this week-that’s it.
1. Make a list of everything you know as a professional. (yes, it’s too much to list, but just start it) Bask in the great knowledge you possess. You ARE an expert even if you don’t feel like it.
2. Share a simple strategy with a colleague, team, or parent, even if you think it’s… duh!, Obvious. -and you think everyone already knows it. We all need repetition, reminders and prompting.
3. Make a simple, short list, or “cheat sheet” of your client’s targets. You have super quick access to what you need to work on.
4. Tell one colleague what you ACTUALLY do. Enjoy the glazed over looks. Let it be awkward.
5. Tell your clients what they are working on before you work on it, even if you think they won’t understand or it doesn’t matter, or you don’t have enough time. It will anchor you and them into the session.
6. Send a transfer/generalization activity for 1 client that is scratched out on a random piece of paper and draw a smiley face on it.
7. Write one sentence- ONE! (okay, no more than two) about the most important piece of data from a therapy session. Enter it in your system and let that be enough.
8. Sport a matching necklace and earrings. (guys- a tie?) and OWN IT!
9. Dig that dusty old handout you saved and share it with colleagues. scan and send with the message “I thought this might be helpful…”
10. Confidently (even if you feel like everyone is watching and judging you) Do your therapy session even if you haven’t planned a single thing. Grab a book, game, picture, have a chat and MAKE it therapeutic. Remember you ARE an expert.
So your specific tasks may be different.
The point is small, half-assed, well intention-ed actions done consistently add up to confidence, self-respect, greatness and RESPECT (from others)!
So many of us never allow ourselves to show up imperfectly. Instead we compare, complain, commiserate and hide. We hide behind our perfectionist ideas and never show up at all 🙁
My recommendation: Do B-, imperfect work consistently and start small.
What B- work are you holding back from your clients, caregivers, colleagues, the world- in fear of being judged? I say let other people judge you. That’s what humans do.
In order to be recognized ( and respected) you might have to show up imperfectly and let people actually recognize you, be seen. I know, it can feel scary, but I encourage you to let it be weird-at first, and OWN IT.
Truth is, when you start building self -respect you won’t really give a beeeeeep who else respects you (but they will). Isn’t it funny how that works?
Do you want to show up to work 6 months from now, not caring what other people think. Owning your worth. Carrying your own Respect. Killing it, kicking butt at work and home?
I can help.