Stress much?! The last few weeks have been a beeeeeeeep at work!
Short Story: The SLPs in my building were asked to do more, in less time. Shocking right?! Stress!
My brain flipped out.
Here’s how it usually happens.
We get the directive from my boss. My mind immediately goes into defense mode. It starts spinning on all of the ways I am being wronged. Over and over. I call this a thought loop. Oh! It’s very justified. When my mind starts looping in defense mode it causes me to feel angry and defensive (rightly so).
When I feel angry and defensive my mind is fighting against reality in that moment.
Fighting against reality in your mind is 100% a losing, draining, exhausting battle.
I lose all access to any possible solutions. My energy levels are depleted. I can’t concentrate falling even further behind. This isn’t the norm for me. I’m usually able to manage my mind enough to prevent this type of exhaustion and choose better results.
But not this time. It took me a few days to recover. Here’s what you can do.
First Step
Distract yourself from the stress
As a life coach, I normally don’t make this recommendation, but when you’re so mad its the only thing you can think about. You need to shift your brain off that loop.
Here’s the caveat. You want to purposefully choose a distraction that is not going to have a negative consequence as a result; like overeating, drinking, venting or over social media-ing.
Watch a funny movie, stand up comedy, take your doggies for a walk in nature, read a funny book, take a nap, hold a baby or if you’re a new mom, have someone else hold your baby, visit a friend. Find a way to get your mind off the subject by doing something that’s good for you.
When your brain is stuck on an incessant negative thought loop it will deplete your energy and prevent any access to solutions that are best for you.
It’s like trying to paddle a small boat up a fast moving river.
It will leave you overwhelmed, exhausted and render you ineffective.
Venting actually perpetuates negative emotion. It actually creates and strengthens negative thought pathways in your brain. Resist the urge to indulge in venting as much as you can ( I know it’s hard) and then distract yourself.
Once you have distracted your brain enough, your mind will be more open to finding solutions that actually benefit you.
Then and only then
Ask yourself these questions.
Use a journal to write your answers
1. Where is the opportunity here?
2. What can this experience offer me?
3. How do I want to show up in this situation?
4. What feels less like fear and more like love?
5. What can I take from this experience?
I hope you get some relief. If you need more help, schedule a call with me. so many hugs and love.